A Second Chance: Devlog NG0.0.6

UP-To-Date: NG0.0.6 aka "Old Bay" Update

Content Added Briefing:

  • Finished the six Night Events that you can get by walking down the street, one of them is on focus of loli, the second one is a bounded black girl in a party, and lastly, the third one is a homeless girl you can "help" if you want.
  • Reworked the Landowner events for Paying rent and Rent in general, now you pay it every five days and after 10 you are forced to pay up

Notes from the Undeveloped:

  • I spend most of this week doing nothing and the one before this I worked on a prologue like story for one of the secondary characters of this game. Check it out https://dead-man-society.itch.io/the-girl-before.
  • This is the smallest update by far that I have added to the game with only over 3,000 words added and just 6 images uploaded, I have decided to release it this way to avoid losing the consistency of constant updates that has been following for nearly 30 days. 
  • I want to thank everybody for the support shown in this game and The Girl Before game, lots of views with just under 650 plays the third day of release.
  • I will work on another project again, the title is yet to be defined but it will involve the story of two black siblings, it will not be incestual but rather it will have a heavy focus on interracial.
  • Lots of ideas in my head and a lot of work to do. I've been playing with Ren'py recently, trying to understand how does it work, and I have begun laying the grounds for another project with the VISUAL part of the novel being the focus of it, not so much the words, thought it will contain a plot.
  • I want to hire an artist, this time, to avoid the mistakes of The Dead Man Society, I will personally oversee every stroke and every penny going to commissions, this is still an idea, more information will be released in a few months, that is if I don't get caught inside an 18-wheeler while buying beans from the store.
  • Thanks again for the lads who play the game and thanks to those who take the time to read all the bullshit I write and code.

 Yours truly, with love and cheer, The Writer.


A Second Chance NG0.0.6.html 1.2 MB
Jun 23, 2023

Get A Second Chance NG

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