A Second Chance: Devlog NG0.0.2

UP-To-Date: NG0.0.2 aka "This Summer be Extra Crispy" Update

Content Added Briefing:

  • Added an extra layer of content to the Massage Parlor which after doing three actions with a girl, will allow you to ask them for more deviant stuff which will require to give them a tip. This works for the four girls, and will allow you to choose three different events, some dominant, some submissive, with some needing to have certain content allowed to progress.
  • Added images to the massage parlor.
  • Added images to the Shady Bar.

Notes from the Undeveloped:

  • Fixed broken images links, now all images should show.
  • Grammar corrections and fixes in City, Home, Shady Bar and Massage Parlor.
  • Added random images to the walking sequence in city when discovering the Massage Parlor and Shady Bar.
  • Added random images to the mall.
  • There is a bug that some passages appear on top of the next passage, a quick f5 will reset this, you will not lose no progress and the game will continue where you f5'd it.
  • The game's build have been changed to NG0.0.0 from NG0.0 the extra zero is to denote the alpha state I The Writer have decided to give the game.

Yours truly, with love and cheer,  The Writer.

Get A Second Chance NG

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